The BHANDAS are energetic locks or valves. They assist the asanas in directing the flow of energy and heat for optimal benefits in the poses.
Mula Bandha:
Located at the perineum and applied with the contraction of the pelvic floor muscles. To activate Mula Bandha at the end of the inhalation, just as the exhalation begins. Draw pelvic floor in and up. Mula Bandha provides invaluable support for yoga practice by creating a strong foundation.
Uddiyana Bandha:
Located in the abdomen and applied by gently drawing stomach inwards. At the end of exhalation, just when you need to inhale, pull in and up. Uddiyana Bandha provides a support for the abdomen, waist and low back. It controls the volume of energy within the locked area.
Jalandhara Bandha:
Located at the throat and applied by drawing the chin down toward the sternum to lock the energy flow between the torso and the head. This is practical especially in inversions where it prevents excessive energy flowing to the head.