Each of the branches of Yoga is suited for different disposition and a temperament of an aspirant in approach to life. All the branches lead to the same destination, the union with the Transcendent Reality. The stages of learning and the assimilation of teachings in every style need to be integrated if the true wisdom and benefits are to be attained.
KARMA YOGA: is the yoga of action through service. The practice of service purifies the heart, leading one to serve selflessly without thought of gain or reward.
“Karma Yoga is the selfless devotion of all inner as well as outer activities as a Sacrifice to the Lord of all works, offered to the eternal as Master of all the soul’s energies and austerities”
Bhagavad Gita
Principles of Karma yoga:
JNANA YOGA: is the Yoga of knowledge and wisdom. it requires the strength of the will, and a sharp inttelectulal focus. The Jnana yogi uses his mind to inquire into the nature of his own being. Atma Vichara is a great example.
Vedanta philosophy is a living experience, a philosophy in practice. There are three major schools of Vedanta:
1. Dvaita – dualistic approach
2. Advailta – non dual approach
3. Kevala Advaita – the pure non dualistic approach
RAJA YOGA: is called the “Royal Path” and offers a comprehensive method for controlling the fluctuation of Chitta (mind) by transforming the mental and physical energy into the pure energy of the Spirit. The main practice is meditation but other methods useful to control body, senses and subtle life force Prana, and all the eight limbs are used. When the body, mind and life force is under control, meditation becomes a natural state of being.
HATHA YOGA: is the most popular style of yoga in the West. It is a system of physical techniques that are part of a much broader Yoga tradition. Hatha yoga uses different poses and sequences of poses designed to align the body, make the body supple, strengthen the bones, muscles, open energy channels, especially the spine so that energy and life force can flow freely, nourishing the whole bodily system more effectively, feeding the organs, cells and tissues.
Styles of Hatha Yoga:
Vinyasa Flow: Vinyasa is a flowing yoga, it means to synchronize the movement with breathing. Even within vinyasa style, there are differences in approach
Asthanga Yoga: is fast paced, intense style of yoga. A set series of poses are performed always in the same way. Physically demanding because of constant movement from one pose to the next.
Power Yoga: Inspired by Asthanga but without adhering strictly to the set asanas.
Iyengar Yoga: is most focused on proper alignment, encourages use of propssuch as blankets, blocks, bolsters, straps and chairs to bring the body into alignment. Poses are held longer.
Anusara Yoga: foundation of Anusara yoga is the use of three basic principles: alignment, attitude and action. Alignment is the mindful awareness of how different parts are interconnected. Attitude is the power of the heart behind our actions, and action is the natural flow of energy in the body providing stabilty and freedom of expression.
Kali Ray Tri Yoga: developed by Kali Ray; the wavelike flow of movements create a gentle entrance into the fuller expression of the asanas by preparing the body. Tri represents the trinity and yoga means union. The trinity is based on the three Cosmic energies present everywhere.
Kundalini Yoga: focused on breath and movement, heart is the center of the practice, chakra opening, moving prana upwards, uses the word krya for the purifying aspect of the practice. Can be high paced and demanding.
Bikram Yoga: also known as Hot Yoga, practiced in heated room to 100 degrees, that allows the muscles to loosen up, profuse sweating is generated which is cleansing. The method uses 26 postures repeated twice, always
the same structure even though it is not taught this way in all centers.
BHAKTI YOGA: is a yoga of devotion and love, Bhakti yoga appeals to those of feeling nature.The aspirant is motiaved mostly by the power of love, and sees the Divine as the embodiment of Love. Prayer, worship, and rituals are used for the purpose of one’s surrender to the Divine, transforming emotions to live and feel the unconditional love. Chanting the different names of God is an ongoing practice, devotional practices usually include some type of selfless service.
MANTRA YOGA: is based on One Unitary consciousness, all practices that involve mantra are based on the premise that One transcendent Reality pervades everything in the Universe. The substance of the One Transcendent Consciousness is reflected in every individual. Habits of the human mind prevent one to experience fully the One Eternal Awareness Bliss.
The habits are:
1. narrow definition of the self
2. a narrow concept of time
3. emotional states we grasp
The undivided eternal awareness Bliss, ever present, all pervading , lies bellow the surface of our ordinary awareness. The practice of Mantra Yoga is designed to remove the veiling in our ordinary perception and to uncover the unified field of our essential nature.
The universal consciousness is also present in our language. Language is composed of sound and consciousness. The sound is limited by space and time but the consciousness is not. Mantra is the sonic form of the ancient Rishis ( see-ers )of the universal consciousness. The practice of mindful repetition of mantra sound is used to remove one’s ignorance.
TANTRA YOGA: Weaving together the strings of life. The unique attribute in Tantra is in the context of how prana works. understanding prana to be the life force and the force of consciousness that permeates all, Tantra is a holistic approach to the study of the universal from the perception of an individual. The aim of Tantra science is to expand awareness in all states of consciousness, waking, sleeping, and dreaming. Tantra yoga says that desires are natural it is only when we are driven by our desires that we fall out of balance. Most human desires are focused on the physical body and its comforts. Tantra yoga offers practical techniques to re-program the mind and desires. Physical and ritual cleansing are used commonly, pranayama, contemplation, repetition of mantra, visualization of deities, all designed to discover, and to develop one’s fullest potential.