
Chakras Diagram



Chakras are vital energy centers in the body that balance all levels of energy. Yoga poses, activities, thoughts and foods open and balance the chakras. Each chakra opens a different level of our being. Specific categories of postures influence different chakras. Study the relationship between poses and the chakras for full benefits.


Location: perineum,
Element: earth, color red
Number of petals: four
Kosha: Annamaya
Bija Mantra: LAM
Challenges: survival, fear, ungrounded, disoriented
Balanced: grounded, safety, fearless, presence, abundance
Area of the body: eliminatory system, legs, feet adrenals, bones
Health challenges: joints, skeletal
Healing foods: root plants, whole grains, minerals, nuts
Healing tools: walking barefoot, sunshine, plenty of fresh air
Yoga postures: standing poses, mountain, tree, squat, spider


Location: below navel
Element: water, color orange
Number of petals: six
Kosha: Pranamaya
Bija Mantra: YAM
Challenges: emotions, intimacy, isolation, neediness, resistance
Balanced: Nourishment, vibrant, intimacy, fluid
Area of the body: pelvis, sacrum, reproductive system, kidney, blood, prostate
Health challenges: Impotence, uterine, bladder, prostate, muscle pain, back pain
Healing foods: vegetables, vegetable juices, cucumbers, melons when in season
Healing tools: Yoga flow, vinyasa, swimming, water sports, lymphatic massage
Yoga postures: Yoga mudra, lotus, spinal twists, bridge shoulderstand, fish, eagle


Location: solar plexus
Element: Fire, color yellow
Kosha: Manomaya
Bija Mantra: RAM
Challenges: self esteem, lack of direction, lack of values, giving up, conflict, prejudice
Balanced: clear life’s purpose, authenticity, commitment, peace, non judgement, fulfillment
Area of the body: stomach, digestive system, small intestine, pancreas, gall bladder, spleen
Health challenges: digestive problems, ulcers, liver problems, diabetes, hypoglycemia, obesity
Healing foods: excess; seeds and legumes, weak: heating spices, ginger, cayenne, ginseng
Healing tools: vigorous yoga, developing strength and authentic power, restorative yoga
Yoga postures: spinal twists, bow, wheel, bridge, chair, plank, standing and balancing poses


Location: Heart
Element: air, color green
Kosha: Manomaya/ Vijnanamaya
Number of Petals: twelve
Bija Mantra: VAM
Challenges: self esteem, distrust, resentment, negativity, loneliness, sadness
Balanced: open heart, trust, gratitude, compassion, forgiveness, generosity, love
Area of the body: heart, lungs, arms, shoulders, scapulae, thorasic spine
Health Challenges: breathing prolbems, asthma, lung disease, heart disease,
high blood pressure, chest pain, atherosclerosis, depression and anxiety
Healing foods: fruits, vegetables, vegetable juices, green leafy vegetables, avocado, nuts
Healing tools: opening the heart, emotional clarity, restorative yoga, support, loving kindness practice
Yoga postures: cobra, camel, wheel, mountain, swan, standing poses, balancing postures


Location: Throat
Element: space, color blue
Kosha: vijnanamaya
Number of petals: sixteen
Bija Mantra: HAM
Challenges: stuck in conditioning, identification with personality, lack of discipline, attachments, impatience, tension, resistence, anger, despair, fragmentation, constricted, unhappy
Balanced: Purification, desire for liberation, faith, patience, devotion, self study, equinimity, bliss, wisdom
Area of the body: throat, mouth, ears, nose, teeth, neck, tongue
Health challenges: sore throat, neck pain, thyroid problems, hearing problems, metabolic disorders
Healing foods: green juice fasting, green leafy vegetables, sea vegetables, kelp, nori, superfoods
Healing tools: chanting mantras, singing, silence, arts, recitation of scriptures
Yoga postures: Half shoulder stand, shoulderstand, headstand, plow, fish, lion’s roar, neck warm ups


Location: third eye, between eyebrows
Element: all, color violet
Number of petals: two
Kosha: Anandamaya
Bija mantra: OM
Challenges: duality, mortality
Balanced: Immortality, non duality
Area of the body: eyes, hypothalamus ( the emotional processing center of the brain )
Health challenges: problems of hearing, smell, sight, neurological problems
Healing Foods: eating consciously, appropriate times and quantities
Healing Tools: Tratak, gazing at the third eye, Ujjaii breath, anuloma viloma breath
Yoga postures: Lotus, spinal twist, plow, bridge, eagle, head to knee, shoulderstand, fish


Location: crown
Element: beyond color, crystal light
Number of petals: one thousand
Kosha: Anandamaya
Bija Mantra: The soundless sound of consciousness within being
Challenges: Disturbance caused by any traces of separation
Balanced: Unity consciousness
Area of the body: Cellular and genetic levels
Health challenges: Identifying with physical illness as me or mine
Healing Foods: Prana
Healing Tools: Formless meditation, Satchitananda, the bliss of eternal being
Yoga postures: Headstand, Yoga Mudra, lotus pose, seated meditation

Based on Integrative Yoga Therapy model ( copyright 2007 )