

THE KOSHAS: 5 Layers of Being

According to the Yoga tradition, the human being is composed of five energy bodies, each made of increasingly finer quality, progressively more subtle.

The five progressively subtler bodies that make up our physical, mental, intellectual and psychological existence are described in yoga texts called Upanishads.

Human beings are built from the food they eat. It follows that caring about the body allows for health, energy and vitality.

Inside the material body is another body which is made of life energy. Prana fills the body with life force and vitality.

Within the vital force is another body comprised of thought energy. This thought body permeates the two more dense bodies. Yoga points us to the understanding and control of the mind.

Deeper is another sheath made of the intellect. It permeates the three denser bodies. When we establish our awareness here, we can free our minds from unhealthy thoughts and actions.

Hidden inside is a more subtle body which is composed of pure joy. It permeates all the other bodies. The experience is one of happiness, delight and bliss.

These five sheaths or energy bodies are called Koshas. Each fits in the next. Only the densest is made of matter , the other four are energy states, invisible to the physical eye, even though we can easily feel and sense their presence when paying close attention.

The Koshas:

  • ANNAMAYA KOSHA translates as “made of” physical matter or food. Yogis make us aware of the intelligent organizing field that holds the material body together. It is prana or life energy that governs all bodily processes and functions, breathing, digestion, circulation of the blood, thinking, movement and so on.
  • PRANAYAMA KOSHA is the function of prana. When prana leavesto function the physical body, the body can no longer live, the cells in the body start dissintegrate. Without prana, directing the material body, it cannot survive more than a few minutes. Pranayama yoga practices are designed to replenish the vitality of the pranayama kosha. Complete yogic breath, alternate nostril breathing are designed to support the proper functions of this kosha.

    In addition to yoga practices, getting plenty of fresh air and sunlight is essential for maintaining the health and the Vital force. Yoga texts suggest that the sun is the ultimate source of prana.
  • MANOMAYA KOSHA a body made of thought processes. According to yoga, the entire nervous system, including the brain, merely mediates the activity of the manomaya kosha expressing the commands of the higher energy state through the physical body.The pranamaya kosha functions from the first moment of birth to our last breath, the manomaya kosha shuts down daily, regenerating itself during the deep sleep.The health of the manomaya kosha can be enhanced with the practice of meditation. Meditation soothes and balances the inner body, helps the mind to release tension.

    The mental body is composed of the impressions we give it. A harmonious environment, fulfillment, joy, supportive relationships, these are all ideal food for the mind.

  • VIJNANAMAYA KOSHA: energy body responsible for the power of discernment.
    This translates as an intellect but the term is much broader, includes all functions of the higher mind.When the fourth sheath or kosha is activated, we are able to direct our own life, free from instinctual choices, able to live with integrity, make moral decisions with ease.The yogis considered the development of a healthy vijnanamaya kosha very important. They offered exercises for the development of this energy body at the beginning of the yoga sutras.The Yamas and Niyamas are commitments that every aspirant of yoga is asked to make. Not to harm, lie, steal, instead be content, pure, devoted to practices and self disciplined.

    Jnana yoga also works closely with the Vijnanamya kosha offering spiritual scriptures to be studied, contemplated deeply, and translate these teachings into one’s daily living.

    As the Vijnanamaya kosha grows stronger, it leads to clarity of discernment, greater intuitive capacity, insight, and increased willpower. Mind that is clear happy produces joy, peace and compassion.

  • ANANDAMAYA KOSHA is our most subtle energy body. It is the closest veil between our ordinary awareness and our natural, essential state that is wisdom, luminosity, grace and unconditional love.The yoga masters purify their minds to experience Satchitananda, or the bliss of being. The Supreme love or union ( yoga ) is experienced in Anandamaya kosha, this is where the spirit and matter unite in the blissful communion. Bhakti yoga is a practice of devotion to truth. Devotional yoga practices open the heart to the unity with all pervading Divine Presence.